Our Library
Located in the Town of Ontario, NY, Ontario Public Library (OPL) is a member of the OWWL Library System (OWWL), formerly called Pioneer Library System (PLS), a cooperative public library system serving Ontario, Wayne, Wyoming, and Livingston (OWWL) counties.
Our mission to bring people and the resources of the library together in a congenial and supportive environment. All library operations exist to support the delivery of information, materials and services to people of all ages in their pursuit of formal or self-directed educational, cultural, and recreational interests.
Our Founding History and A Bit More
In 1914 the Regents of the University of the State of New York accepted initial paperwork launching the creation of a town library in Ontario, NY. Soon after library doors were first opened in the Tummonds Block (Knickerbocker Rd, formerly Mills Street). The library moved to Furnace Street in 1919. Later the New York State Department of Education approved the creation of the Ontario Free Library with Mrs. Cora Ransley hired as our first librarian. In 1926, the total circulation was 4026 items.
By 1956 the library had collected 5000 volumes. In 1965 story hours began and 100 children registered. In 1968, the N.Y.S. Department of Education granted a provisional charter for the Ontario Public Library. An Absolute Charter was granted in 1973. In 2014, we celebrated our Centennial: 100 years of service to the community! Today we continue to offer a full complement of services and special events to Ontario residents. We host a variety of topical, cultural, creative arts and crafts, lectures, technology demonstrations and classes, and seasonal programs throughout the year. Five Trustees serve contiguous 5-year terms overseeing at the highest local level successful operation of the library. Trustees serve with no financial compensation.
We continue to seek ways to enhance the lives of our community members. Stop into the Library and be a part of our evolving history.