Circulation Services

Circulation Policy 4020 

Library Membership

How to get a library card

  • Member registration
  • Registering for full membership should be done in person.
    • Individuals who are disabled and unable to come to the Library should contact the Library Circulation Coordinator by telephone at 315-524-8381 for assistance.
    • Individuals registering for digital resources only library cards
  • The self-registration form, also known as the OWWL Instant Digital Card, may be used only for new OWWL library members. This form is not for use by those having a library card, including a recently expired card, from any of the 42 OWWL libraries.

Upon application for a library card, the OPL Staff will verify that the applicant does not already have a card within the OWWL system.

  • If the the applicant is found to have a pre-existing OWWL account, the applicant must update the information on the account, take care of any outstanding fees. There may be a $1.00 card replacement fee for a new card.

In-person Membership Information

Applicants must supply photo identification [Circulation Pol. 4020 App. 1 Identification], and complete and sign the Library’s registration form. Exceptions can be made through the Special Card Library Holder Program at OPL [Section 1.3 of Circulation Policy 4020].

Library card are issues for three years unless otherwise noted and can be renewed upon verification of address and other contact information.

Books by Mail

Learn all about books being delivered by U.S. Post for our friends and neighbors, our residents, who is unable to access an OWWL Library due to disability, long-term or chronic illness, lack of transportation, or other difficulty. Click here

Bookdrop (After Hours Drop Off)

You may return materials using the bookdrop even when the library is closed. The bookdrop is located near the southwest entrance to the building. 

OPL is Fine Free

See Fine Free: Frequently Asked Questions

Download Fine Free FAQs
